Essential Guide For Recruitment in France

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Recruitment in France

In order to avoid any legal issues, make sure you follow French labour law. In France, hiring employees is not as simple as it may seem. Collective bargaining agreements and litigation are commonplace. It is therefore important to draft a detailed employment contract and retain all documentation related to your employees. Read our guide for interim roumain in France to learn more. Here are the essential steps for hiring employees in France. Hopefully, you will find these steps to be beneficial to your business.

Help You Land Your Dream Job

Before hiring staff in France, you must register with the general social security system, unemployment insurance system, and occupational health service. In addition, you must fill out an annual declaration of your workforce data. This is required, even for employers without a physical establishment in France. You must also register with the French social security system if you have employees living abroad. The URSSAF website has detailed information on these requirements. Once you’ve completed these steps, you can start looking for potential employees.

Generally speaking, French workers have the right to work for 35 hours a week. However, this may not suit all employees. In France, employees have the right to 30 days of paid leave and eleven public holidays. Despite these rights, employers are not allowed to ask for information about the candidate’s private life. They can ask to see a copy of a candidate’s diploma but are not allowed to open their entire school file.

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