Whether you have a severe toothache or someone knocks your tooth out, dental emergencies require immediate attention. Getting help quickly can save you from a worsened condition or even permanent damage to your teeth and bones. While it’s tempting to self-diagnose a dental problem using information on the internet or advice from friends, only a dentist can tell you if a symptom is an emergency and needs immediate care.
Some common dental emergencies include severe pain, bleeding that won’t stop, and broken facial bones. Other symptoms that need to be treated right away include a dental abscess or severe soft tissue injury.
Immediate Dental Care for Emergencies: Las Vegas Specialists
Immediate dental care for emergencies is a pocket of pus that forms inside a tooth or the gums due to advanced tooth decay, untreated root canal therapy, or severe trauma to the mouth and jaws. If left untreated, dental abscesses can cause swelling, severe pain, and infection. Emergency dentists drain and treat dental abscesses to relieve symptoms and prevent complications.
Other traumatic dental injuries can include cracked or broken teeth, displaced teeth, or a jaw fracture. Emergency dentists can treat these injuries to reduce swelling, promote healing, and restore oral function. Treatment options might include suturing lacerations, stabilizing fractured jaws, and repositioning displaced teeth.